Evidence-Based Design for Healthcare

Topics: Architecture, Design, Healthcare Projects

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Coates Design Architects in Seattle is very interested in Evidence-Based Design Accreditation & Certification (EDAC), a course and movement that trains design professionals to think differently about how to provide informed healthcare design. It was created by the Center for Health Design (CHD), a group of people dedicated to “creating healthcare facilities that promote healthier environments for patients and staff.” This organization changed the way patient rooms are designed based on Roger Ulrich’s 1984 study showing that by providing natural light and views to the outside for patient rooms recovery was accelerated and less pain medication was required.

Evidence-based design is the process of constructing a building or physical environment based on scientific research to achieve the best possible outcomes. Examples include improved infection control, minimizing patient falls, preventing staff injuries and increasing productivity. If you are involved in any aspect of healthcare & healthcare design, I would encourage you to check out this program.

The CHD website is a great resource for relevant papers, webinars, lectures, journal articles on evidence-based design and a variety of healthcare related topics.