Bainbridge Island Retreat Bedroom. Coates Design Architects

Interiors are where we fulfill human needs.

Bainbridge Island Retreat. Coates Design Architects

Where we find safety, warmth and comfort.

Harrison Urgent Care Facility, Interior

Even more than the structure, interiors are personal. A reflection of who you are.

So the ingredients of great interior design are talent, intuition, experience, psychology, skill, magic.

Bainbridge Island Retreat Living Area. Coates Design Architects

Coates Design works collaboratively with our clients to create pleasing interior spaces that complement, and seamlessly merge with the built environment. We feel that deftly planned interiors should reflect the site and the buildingā€™s design intent. Just as important they should reflect the owner needs, characteristics, lifestyle and future vision.

Lighting, materials, paint colors, glass, tile, wood. What part of the house gives you a glimpse of the kitchen. The way light flows in. These details are where we reflect your lifestyle and tastes. Because the interior is the most personal, let us work with you to create it. During the design process we work with our clients closely, intuitively to identify their goals and aesthetic preferencesā€”in turn we share our best thinking to arrive at creative and exciting design solutions.

We work in all scales of projects, from visioning and programming to concept and design development. We strive to create interior spaces that align lifestyle and well-being, utilizing a thoughtful and elegant balance of materials, textures and colors.